Hey guys and girls.
Welcome to the blog. As our semester progresses, we will add to this space with YOUR thoughts, ideas, and progressively better writing. This is your blog, not mine, so use it. I'll give you prompts here, but feel free to add to it whenever you like.
Writing can be fun, if you let it.
Now, for the first prompt, give me 200 words or so about how you feel about leaving home. Has it been hard? Has it been fun? Why? If you need to vent, you can do it here. I'm not checking for perfect grammar here, although by the end of the course, I hope that you'll want to use your polished grammar skills.
See you Thursday night.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
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Leaving Home
This is not the first time for me. Over my mere eighteen year existence, I have moved roughly eleven times. So basically I am used to it. This is just on a larger scale. I have packing and unpacking down to a science. I know what to bring and where to bring it. The only thing different this time is that when I left so did everybody else. It was no longer just me saying bye and planning visits back home. It was everybody. Everybody left. For some reason when I left I expected all my friends to be at the other end of the road, but of course they aren’t they are everywhere but with me. So it was just weird.
Basically I hung out with a small group of people all summer. We spent day and night together. Whether it was going to the beach, out to eat at our favorite restaurants or just straight chilling at one of there houses, we were together. Now we are spread out, one is at College of Charleston, a few are at USC, one is at Duke, and two are seniors in different high schools. So those people who were always there are now suddenly not. College also seems to have this effect on people where they become busy, so getting in touch is hard; you got to work around with different schedules. When I left home I left that support system I had built for myself. It is almost like you are camp. At camp we have meetings, shared bathrooms and eat in a cafeteria. Sounds similar, No? Now I know this is not camp, but it just feels like a bus will come and pick me up and take me home even though my car is parked in the parking lot which is about a million miles away and impossible to trek to considering the massive amount of rain. The one thing I forgot? My umbrella.
Go get an umbrella from the dollar store!!!
I moved around a lot when I was growing up as well. And I've found that, with the beauty of the internet, staying in touch with old friends is easier than ever.
Into the Great Unknown!
Up until spring of my senior year I was in a state of confusion about where I should go to school. At the time the decision itself seemed so difficult. "What kind of people would I like to be around?" "Does this or that school have the kind of atmosphere that challenge me yet allow me to feel at home?" Such questions left my mind clear as mud. There were pros and cons in just about every situation, yet for some reason Winthrop stood out as the best overall. After making the decision I felt such relief. Excitement sunk in as well as optimism. In my valedictory address to my graduating class, I told them to not be afraid as they stepped into the great unknown and to stand firm. How easy it is to give such exhortations when one is still comfortable!
Needless to say my confidence wore off as move-in day drew ever nearer. Reality sunk in as my mom prompted me to get my things together during my last days at home. Picking out decor for my room may have been fun, but packing up was another matter altogether. Soon the morning of August 22nd arrived.
That morning was a little surreal...but honestly how clear could it be when I had to leave the house by 7:00?! Arriving at my dorm I found the area packed with girls nervous and confident alike. I expected to find my roommate waiting in our room but was surprised when she showed up later than I. Watching for a person you do not know (besides how they are pictured on Facebook) to see how they want to set up your room is an odd experience. The rest of the day proved to be equally foreign.
From getting to know my roommate, to figuring out how much Cafe Cash can be spent in a week, to simply walking the sidewalks of such an amazing place that is now my home, Winthrop has already held chances for growth. While the confidence of my senior year may have evolved somewhat, I feel it is for the best. Leaving my family and familiar surroundings behind is tough, but the benefits of the choice will surely outweigh the sacrifice.
Cara, in response to your post here, I remember having trouble trying to decide which school to go to as well. I'm glad you chose Winthrop; it's a great choice.
Also, you were valedictorian? That's impressive. Still--and I am speaking from experience here--no matter how successful you were in high school, you still have to do crazy things like figure out how to budget Cafe Cash. Good luck!
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