Monday, November 10, 2008


I have learned through my grandmother never to tell people who to vote for. I cannot remember which election during which this incident happened, but basically, this woman told my grandmother to vote for a specific candidate. If you knew my grandmother, you would know how stubborn she can be. She does not like being told what to do. Being the rebel she is, she voted for the opposite candidate. Ironically, that was also the opposite she would have originally voted for. Yes, this is very childish and silly. Our whole family knows.
I am not going to tell anyone who to vote for, but I will tell you who I am going to vote for (or voted for, since this is late). I voted for John McCain. I am not going to for him because he is white and his opponent is black. I am not going to lie, I am going to vote for John McCain because that's who my family is voting for. I am not interested in politics, and I never really have been. I know that voting for someone because someone else is going to is not right, but the way I look at, at least I voted. Also, I did make my own decision to vote and who I am going to vote for.
My opinion is vote for whom ever you think is the right person. Hopefully next election, I will be alittle more interested in politics.

1 comment:

Mr. B said...

Paige, I can't believe that your grandmother did that. That's a really funny story. I hope that your interest in politics will grow. And sometimes, it's nice to vote with the family. My grandpa is a staunch republican, and I would never be able to tell him that I voted for Obama this year.