Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bob Herbert: “Beyond the Fat Cats”

I agree with Bob Herbert for the most part when he is discussing the current economical situation. If the government can instantly have billions of dollars on hand to bail out large corporations then why can’t they use their money to solve other problems? I don’t agree about the part where he says the current bailout plan is only helping a select few, the fact is a lot of people have stock so when two major corporations go down, so does everyone else. However, the national debt is steadily increasing and no one really thinks about it. Yea it has sticker shock but “hey why worry about it?” The national debt will never be paid off so why not just keep running it up? If we can so easily throw 700 billion dollars at corporations so they do not go bankrupt, why can’t we get the money to solve hunger in America? Alternatively, they could provide houses for homeless people, supply work for everyone that needs a job, and help people get off government care and start making positive changes to their life. There are so many things that could be done with that much money that would far benefit America then what it was used for.

1 comment:

Mr. B said...

Ryan, you've posted a really great first response to get things started. You've got a really great critical mind.