Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dan Savage: "Anti-Gay, Anti-Family"

I disagree with the anti-gay amendments that were approved last Tuesday. In Florida, Arizona, and California, same -sex couples were banned from getting married. Even though some feel that being married to the same sex is wrong, I believe that people shouldn't have the right to tell someone who they can or cannot marry. It's sad hearing about those who live in the same country that I live in going through this phase of being treated unfairly. Regardless if a couple is of the same sex, shouldn't they be able to marry someone that they truely love. I don't see what is the big issue about the situation.

They are not only banning the marrying of gay couples. They are also banning those who are "cohabitating outside a valid marriage" from serving as foster parents or adobting children. Every child has the right to feel accepted and loved. If couples want to share their love with a child, why not let them? In the article Dan Savage made a point. He stated," A gay man living with his male partner cannot adobt his deceased sister's children. This really saddens me everytime I think about it. He also made another statement saying, "If lesbian couples are unfit to care for foster children, are they fit to care for their own children?" I wonder have people thought about that particular situation before that formed these laws? They need to realize that this is an unfair game that they are playing.

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