Thursday, November 6, 2008

Election 08

Election day has already passed, but I can still tell you that Obama was the candidate you should have voted for in this election. As you have already heard numerous times, it is indeed, time for change. When it comes to important issues, I mostly agree with what Obama stands for. Abortion is one of these issues. Like Obama, I believe that it is a woman's right to choose. Nobody should have a say in what a woman wants to do with her body. To tell someone they cannot have an abortion violates one's privacy. The economy is another major issue that needs to be considered. Barack Obama plans to make middle-class tax cuts that will help people's financial situations. McCain and the Republican party are more concerned with the wealthy. Obama's foreign policy could use some revision, but for the most part I am confident in what he has planned for this country. The number of troops overseas needs to decrease, but it needs to be done gradually. I think that No Child Left Behind is the dumbest thing that has ever been passed. Obama plans to make revisions to this act, that are greatly needed. There are many other issues that I could go on and on about, but I think that you get the idea. Barack Obama is the best candidate to be this country's president.

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