Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election '08

The presidential election is between Obama and McCain. I tell you which one to vote for because I have not decided which one I am going to vote for. They both say that they will bring change and will make things better but how do we know those things will make things better. Take for instance removing troops from Iraq will that help or will it lead to increase in terrorist activities in that area which will lead to a rippling effect that will hurt us in the end. Now will leaving the troop help by controlling the area or trying to create a controlling and stable government or will that be just a big waste of time. Of course the answer to these questions will not be answered until after the next four years so I do not know who to tell you to vote for only to tell you to vote for who you think will do the best job.

1 comment:

Mr. B said...

It's difficult choosing between two options that both have negative sides. Unfortunately, we've got to pick one, and now that we have, we'll see how he turns out!